Increasing Safety Precautions
#alwaysbesafe #youneverknow
Everyone can take that extra step to safeguard themselves and his or her loved ones. Simple decisions such as whether one decides to wear their seatbelt, helmet, reflectors can be the difference between life and death. For example, Administration (NHTSA) considers seatbelts to be the single most important protective mechanism available to adult vehicle occupants (ICBC 2006) and found that they reduce the risk of serious injury to the head, chest, and extremities by 50%- 83% (Strine et al. 2010). Data from many jurisdictions also suggests that a majority of fatalities involving non-use of seatbelts occurred at speeds less than 50 km/h and less than 15 km away from their home (Meunier et al. 1993; Brijs et al. 2009).
So make sure you:
1. Wear your seatbelts
2. Look both ways before you cross the road
3. Use reflective gear and lights when on the cycling or walking on the road, especially at night
4. Wear your helmets and other protective gear while on your motorcycle or bicycle.
5. Use child seats for kids when driving.